Grafton Launches New Website, Blog in Pain-Free Fashion

Jeff Hagen
Post written by Jeff Hagen, Staffing Exec ◉ Educator ◉ Award Winning BBQ’r ◉ DIY Hack ◉ Rotarian
I’m super excited to announce the launch of our brand new website!
We put A LOT of work and effort into it, and now it’s so much easier for candidates, clients and prospects to get information about us. And now candidates can easily find and apply for jobs from their mobile devices.
As I reviewed the site and had some time to reflect, it struck me how hard it was to believe that we’ve been running the GraftonEd program for three years now and never had anything on our website about it! But it’s there now for us to share with the world and it feels great to finally have that done.
The Website Process – Virtually Pain-Free
As to what it took to build the new website…Wow. What an amazing (and virtually pain-free) process it was.
We started months ago working with Mike Farag at Fervor. He and his team did an outstanding job uncovering why our partners choose to work with Grafton. They talked with several of our clients and dozens of our candidates. We received some great feedback, most of which is now reflected on our new website. Big THANK YOU to everyone involved.
Once we finished the process with Fervor, I called Mic Johnson with Blue Gurus. I knew these guys did a great job with several other companies in town. I’ve seen what they’d done with some of my friends’ companies and I knew I needed to work with them.
Mic referred us to Julie Bartels Smith, owner of JBSmith Communications, to help us articulate the information we gathered.
Julie made everything so simple. She came in for a few hours and we went through our vision for the content that would be on the website.
She asked us great questions about the website and its purpose. Her questions generated plenty of conversation among the team.
She took the information we gave her and made sense out of it all. Julie added stuff, removed stuff and changed some other stuff…but it all works. Thank you Julie.
The Website Was Built AT OUR OFFICE
Then Blue Gurus came to our office (yes, they built the website AT OUR OFFICE).
Mic and I had talked about it for weeks and he tried to prepare me for what was going to happen.
I had completed all of my homework. We had the info from Julie so everything was ready to go. They sat down in our conference room and started plugging way.
It’s kind of funny, actually. You see, our conference room has a glass wall so whenever we walked by it was like seeing two model employees working. Heads down, no talking, work faces on.
In just a couple of hours they were able to show me a few pages of our new website. I couldn’t believe what I saw. I was so excited. By the end of the day the site was up and live. Are you kidding me?
It was a great experience from beginning to end and I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome. Please check out our new and improved website and let us know what you think!
Oh and by the way, as you might be able to tell from the article you’re reading right now, we’re going to start blogging. Mic tells me it’s a good idea and one thing I’ve learned for sure during this process…when a Blue Guru speaks, I’m smart enough to listen.
You’ll see a new post each week on who we are, what we do, and why we do it. We’re excited to share our stories!